Wednesday 13 March 2013

First Post. Whole meal xD

EEK. My first post!! OMG exciting. Well you probably don't care, ANYWAY, I will honestly just post what I want. I paper cutted my knuckle today and boy is it hurting.... It hurts if I move it so now I am typing with a bent finger, it has been permanently bent now for like an hour. It hurts. So anyway I have to reviseeeee. No fair. It's boringgggg. I mean when would we ever need to know what number Emily is thinking of or  what x is? I just don't care. So do you like The Hunger Games? I do. They are amazing. All my friends are like, Oh JUST SHUT UP! I'm sick of hearing about Peeta. They ,ale me laugh... Oh also in school today my friends nearly deafened me. They where screaming their heads off for no apparent reason, their weird like that. Anyway... Good night peoples xx

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